Yesterday – Tomorrow (2017) achieves a fundamentally new form of visual expression by reaching back to the beginnings of civilization. The work was created with a team of 55 experts, including 13 Egyptologists from leading international institutions. It is considered the revival and evolution of Ancient Egyptian art, in the form of a contemporary visual language called Aspective Realism. Among its defining features is the introduction of multi-perspective (
The work has been exhibited solo at The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria and the Roemer- Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim. It is held by the collections of all three institutions, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and others.
Law and Order
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Soft Power
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Hard Power
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Horus is Watching You
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Dear Pharaoh
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Strangers in Our Midst
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.The Alterable Past
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Topsy-Turvy
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.By a Different Measure
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Woman in Charge
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Together Forever
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Forever Young
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Into the Forever
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.Image Makers
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 3 + 2 A.P.