Mischlinge (2014) portrays Germans of diverse ethnic backgrounds in the shadow of the Nazi past — figuratively and literally. The work uses a propaganda aesthetic against the purpose for which it had devised. Combining environmental portraiture with genetic science, Mischlinge offers a unique position on ethnicity and national identity.
The work has been shown in solo exhibition at Historisch-Technisches Museum Peenemünde and Museum Wewelsburg. It is held by the collections of the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt, the German Federal Ministry of Finance and the House of European History in Brussels, among others.
Rainer Höß Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Ehrung der Selbstmörder (Honoring the Suicides) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Der Befreier (The Liberator) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Hinter Stacheldraht (Behind Barbed Wire) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Das Lebensborn Kind (The Lebensborn Child) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Der Bahnbrecher (The Pathbreaker) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Die Ausländerin Myriem (The Foreigner Myriem) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Triumph, Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Jana Wirth Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Am Fackelträger-Feuermal der ehemaligen NS-Ordensburg Vogelsang (At the Torchbearer Monument of Former Nazi Elite School Vogelsang) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm In der Ehrenhalle des ehemaligen Flughafens Berlin-Tempelhof 1 (In the “Hall of Honor“ at Former Airport Berlin-Tempelhof 1) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Mephisto Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm In der Ehrenhalle des ehemaligen Flughafens Berlin-Tempelhof 2 (In the “Hall of Honor“ at Former Airport Berlin-Tempelhof 2) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Prüfling (Anthropomorphic Assessment) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Im Deutschen Hygiene-Museum (In the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Im Hof des ehemaligen Reichsluftfahrtministeriums (In the Courtyard of the Former Reich Aviation Ministry) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm In der Steinhalle des ehemaligen Reichsluftfahrtministeriums (In the Foyer of the Former Reich Aviation Ministry) Archival digital pigment print, Ed. of 5 + 2AP, 101cm x 76cm Beim V-1 Marschflugkörper (At the V-1 Cruise Missile) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Bei der V-2 Rakete (At the V-2 Rocket) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Am 76er Kriegerdenkmal in Hamburg (At the Memorial to the 76th Infantry Regiment in Hamburg) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Im Tansania-Park Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Olympia Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Die Fackelträgerin (The Torchbearer) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Auf der Ehrentribüne (In the VIP-Section of the Berlin Olympic Stadium) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm “Ich rufe die Jugend der Welt” (“I Call the Youth of the World”) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm In die Ewigkeit (Into Eternity) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Rast (At Rest) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Fest der Schönheit 1 (Festival of Beauty 1) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Fest der Schönheit 2 (Festival of Beauty 2) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Anmut (Grace) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Schwingen (Rhythmic Gymnastics) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Reigen (Roundel) Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm