Mischlinge (2014) portrays Germans of diverse ethnic backgrounds in the shadow of the Nazi past — figuratively and literally. The work uses a propaganda aesthetic against the purpose for which it had devised. Combining environmental portraiture with genetic science, Mischlinge offers a unique position on ethnicity and national identity.
The work has been shown in
Rainer Höß
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmEhrung der Selbstmörder (Honoring the Suicides)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmDer Befreier (The Liberator)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmHinter Stacheldraht (Behind Barbed Wire)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmDas Lebensborn Kind (The Lebensborn Child)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmDer Bahnbrecher (The Pathbreaker)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmDie Ausländerin Myriem (The Foreigner Myriem)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmTriumph, Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm Jana Wirth
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmAm Fackelträger-Feuermal der ehemaligen NS-Ordensburg Vogelsang (At the Torchbearer Monument of Former Nazi Elite School Vogelsang)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIn der Ehrenhalle des ehemaligen Flughafens Berlin-Tempelhof 1 (In the “Hall of Honor“ at Former Airport Berlin-Tempelhof 1)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmMephisto
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIn der Ehrenhalle des ehemaligen Flughafens Berlin-Tempelhof 2 (In the “Hall of Honor“ at Former Airport Berlin-Tempelhof 2)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmPrüfling (Anthropomorphic Assessment)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIm Deutschen Hygiene-Museum (In the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIm Hof des ehemaligen Reichsluftfahrtministeriums (In the Courtyard of the Former Reich Aviation Ministry)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIn der Steinhalle des ehemaligen Reichsluftfahrtministeriums (In the Foyer of the Former Reich Aviation Ministry)
Archival digital pigment print, Ed. of 5 + 2AP, 101cm x 76cmBeim V-1 Marschflugkörper (At the V-1 Cruise Missile)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmBei der V-2 Rakete (At the V-2 Rocket)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmAm 76er Kriegerdenkmal in Hamburg (At the Memorial to the 76th Infantry Regiment in Hamburg)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIm Tansania-Park
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmOlympia
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmDie Fackelträgerin (The Torchbearer)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmAuf der Ehrentribüne (In the VIP-Section of the Berlin Olympic Stadium)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm“Ich rufe die Jugend der Welt” (“I Call the Youth of the World”)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmIn die Ewigkeit (Into Eternity)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmRast (At Rest)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmFest der Schönheit 1 (Festival of Beauty 1)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmFest der Schönheit 2 (Festival of Beauty 2)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmAnmut (Grace)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmSchwingen (Rhythmic Gymnastics)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cmReigen (Roundel)
Archival digital pigment print, ed. 5 + 2 A.P., 101cm x 76cm